Saturday, March 31, 2007

I read in Velonews a while back that bikers that don't blog don't ride. That is not the truth. I have been so busy with work this past year that I can either blog with my free time, or ride (or some form of exercise as allowed in the great North). We didn't get much snow this year, so could ride our bikes most of the winter. Up until we got an ice storm (I don't have studded tires) and then again up until we got 20" of snow all at once. The skiing was fantastic for a week and then it warmed up right away and now it is all gone. We have another ice storm that started yesterday. By the time I left work, by office window had a good 1/2" of ice covering it completely. Poor Scott had to scrape the ice off the car before he picked me up at work.

I got my New Trek 9.9 a little bit ago. Beautiful bike! I am fired up for to race it this season.
This needs to be a short post as Scott and I just got the car unstuck out of the yard. The grass is so frozen.

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