Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've caught a bit of a cold and feel wiped out. I have not ridden in a week, thus my ability to post more than one time per month. I have been sleeping (trying to anyway) and using the Neti pot. There isn't much pregnant women can do to eradicate illness and the Neti pot seems to work better than anything else. I spent a good chunk of last night coughing and getting almost zero sleep. This illness is not helping my attempts to keep some sort of physical shape. The last ride I did I felt bonked the entire time and took a short cut home. I miss the ability to breath while riding my bike uphill. It is pretty amazing how things change and rather quickly.

Our little baby is really busy! I can feel her move off and on all day long. Scott has only felt her one time when she was kicking really hard. Being a pregnant bike racer is tough at times as I am unable to race and participation for me is not that much fun. I miss going to races and trying to go fast on my bike. I am trying to take each day one at a time and enjoy being pregnant as much as possible. It gets tougher as my belly and other body parts expand. We already have our baby's name picked out and are not telling. I have been reading Mothering Magazines and various books including Hypnobirthing, The Diaper Free Baby, What's going on in there?, and I just ordered both Having a Baby Naturally (published by Mothering magazine) and The Vaccine Book. My youngest sister and some of my good friends are essential in recommending good books. I feel very fortunate.

I hope everyone racing season is going well. Scott and I check race results and try to keep tabs on everyone.


BeccaNate said...

I think it's awesome you're still riding (as much as your little one allows) and appreciate reading your updates. It's encouraging to know that there are women who are willing to make their own decisions regardless of what the status quo thinks (I've heard people say that the most strenuous exercise pregnant women should do is walk). Your reading list sounds great too!

Sara KJ, Scott KJ said...

Thanks for the post and comments. I try to keep doing what I can comfortably and plan on riding until I am no longer comfortable. For each woman I think that will be different. I have modified my race bike so my position is very upright and gives my belly room along with my thighs to pedal my bike. My husband reminds me that 'back in the day' women used to have to haul water and do manual labor all day while pregnant. I think that helps keep things in perspective. The most important thing is to listen to my body and not exhaust myself. I have been able to garden and all sorts of things. Pregnancy has definitely slowed me down and I have some days where I get frustrated, but all in all I just keep doing what I need to to stay physically and mentally healthy.